Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tortured dogs discovered inside of St. Louis house

On Tuesday, the discovery of a dead dog partially hanging from the window of a vacant home on Wells Avenue in St. Louis, Mo. alerted police to a horrific case of animal cruelty.

According to, what authorities discovered inside of the graffiti-laden house was gruesome. The bodies of five dogs, mutilated and tortured, were in various states of decay throughout the house.

The deceased dogs all appeared to be Pit bulls.

Stray Rescue of St. Louis was called in to assist the authorities with this disturbing case. Randy Grim of Stray Rescue describes the interior of the house as a "torture chamber",

 “This isn’t just abuse. This is like scary torture, strangulation, peeling off the fur. It’s like one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Individuals assisting in the clean-up effort describe dogs who had been choked, burned and hanged. Electrical cords and chains used to strangle the dogs were also discovered.

According to a neighbor, the vacant house was recently a haven to drug dealers and prostitutes. The dogs were allegedly kept at the house to keep the police at bay.

But today, all of the people who had utilized the house are gone and the dogs used to "protect" those individuals' illicit activities, are dead.

Right now, Stray Rescue is offering up a $5000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individuals who are responsible for this deplorable crime.


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